The Fastest Way in the World to Build Backend Services.

Automatically generate backend services with full ownership, no vendor lock‑in, and no blackboxing. Fully customizable and production-ready.

Empowering developers from leading companies

pull request
pull request
pull request
pull request
pull request
pull request
pull request

How Amplication backend development platform works?

Simply configure your architecture, with APIs, data models, database, and more
Automatically generate all boilerplate and infrastructure code
Continuously get Pull Requests with the generated code to your Git repositories
Freely customize and extend the generated code


Extend and customize your services by using plugins for various technologies and integrations.
plugin logoBasic Auth Provider
plugin logoNestJS Auth Module
plugin logoJWT Auth Provider
plugin logoKafka
plugin logoMongo DB
plugin logoMySQL DB
plugin logoPostgreSQL DB
plugin logoPrettier
plugin logoHelm Chart
plugin logoGitHub Actions
plugin logoSwagger ApiBody
plugin logoOpen AI Integration
plugin logoRedis Cache
plugin logoNestJS NATS
plugin logoESLint
plugin logoOpenTelemetry
plugin logoRedis Message Broker
plugin logoMS SQL Server DB
plugin logoNestJS RabbitMQ
plugin logoGithub Actions - AWS ECS
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Core
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Database RDS
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Repository ECR
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Deployment ECS
plugin logoAWS Secrets Manager
plugin logoAuth0 Auth Provider
plugin logogRPC API
plugin logoSupertokens Auth Provider
plugin logoBitwarden Secrets Manager
plugin logoJSON Logger
plugin logoBasic Auth Provider
plugin logoNestJS Auth Module
plugin logoJWT Auth Provider
plugin logoKafka
plugin logoMongo DB
plugin logoMySQL DB
plugin logoPostgreSQL DB
plugin logoPrettier
plugin logoHelm Chart
plugin logoGitHub Actions
plugin logoSwagger ApiBody
plugin logoOpen AI Integration
plugin logoRedis Cache
plugin logoNestJS NATS
plugin logoESLint
plugin logoOpenTelemetry
plugin logoRedis Message Broker
plugin logoMS SQL Server DB
plugin logoNestJS RabbitMQ
plugin logoGithub Actions - AWS ECS
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Core
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Database RDS
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Repository ECR
plugin logoTerraform - AWS Deployment ECS
plugin logoAWS Secrets Manager
plugin logoAuth0 Auth Provider
plugin logogRPC API
plugin logoSupertokens Auth Provider
plugin logoBitwarden Secrets Manager
plugin logoJSON Logger

What users are saying about Amplication?

Patrick Mannion
Patrick Mannion
Digital Solutions Architect, Whiskey House of Kentucky
We've been able to have a high focus on our product requirements and specific functionality and this enables to move much faster than anything else I've ever worked on.
Steven Xi Zhang
Steven Xi Zhang
Co-Founder, UpChannels
...with the repetitive code automatically generated, we could focus on the custom application logic. As we are using Amplication, we can still dive deeper into the code and make changes.
Vincenzo Domina
Vincenzo Domina
OpenCures Inc.
Amplication has helped us at OpenCures develop new API services faster in our work on health data software for preventive health care.
20x faster
To deliver code to production
2 months
Saved on initial project setup
100+ hrs
Per month saved on app infrastructure and boilerplate updates
Of developers’ time saved
50+ hrs
Saved per developer on knowledge sharing and training

Secured and compliant, because your data matters

Amplication is SOC-2 certified. We meet the highest standards for data security, availability, processing, integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.
SOC2 Logo

What do you get from Amplication?

open source
Production-ready APIs
Full featured GraphQL and REST APIs
open source
Data model
Simple definition of entities & database schema
open source
Role-Based access control
Automatically generated identity & permission models
open source
Microservices support
Any architecture, synchronous or asynchronous communication
open source
Continuous Git sync
Automated sync with private or public GitHub repos
open source
TypeScript & Node.js source code
Automatically generated human-readable and human-editable Node.js code
open source
Plugin system
Use community-built plugins or create your own
open source
Monorepo or polyrepo
Use Amplication with a monorepo, polyrepo, or both
open source
Custom code
Easy customization & modification of generated code
open source
Ready to deploy app
Generate Docker container or use plugins to connect to CI/CD tools & cloud providers
open source
Admin UI
Automatically generated React Admin UI to create & edit your data models
open source
Amplication console & CLI
Fast app generation using Amplication console or Command Line Interface (CLI)

Let your teams write critical business logic instead of redundant
infrastructure code

  • Create or extend
  • Customize code
  • Limitless Architecture
  • Boost productivity
  • Build it your way

Backed by visionary global investors

Norwest logoVertex Ventures logoEntrée Capital logo